
Yep, It's Monday

Well, after a wonderful weekend in PDX (pictures to come), it's back to it in Rainy City, U.S.A. I was up early this morning to get a head start on installation at the gallery and WHAM, big case of the Mondays. Here's a timeline of exactly why it's a category 5 Monday pour moi:

1). Woke up, showered and promptly dropped my hairbrush in the toilet.
2). Got to the gallery and started unpacking the artwork we've received. Subsequently left the art closet and discovered I'd been trailing a wad of tape and paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe.
3.) Went to the post office and waited 30 minutes in line. Quite impressive in a city/town of 130,000 people.
4.)After said trip to the post office, I decided to make a cup of well deserved afternoon coffee...only to spill the used grounds on my kitchen floor.

It's only 6:30, but I'm thinking I should go to bed before I hurt myself!

1 comment:

EKS said...

You can't leave me hanging -- did you reach in and grab said hairbrush? Did you buy a new one?


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