
The Last Week(+) in iPhone Photos

I am REALLY bad at posting just a week of photos.

Regardless, here is a random smattering of photos from the past 2.5893 weeks of my life:

I'm not in Oregon anymore, folks. <3

Kale flowers at the Farmer's Market. 

Apples at the Farmer's Market. 

WI Capitol. 

Pumpkins. Obviously. 

Went home to vist the parentals. My dad and I took a drive to where my grandparents once lived. I remember the lake house vividly, and now it's an empty lot. Whoever bought it, however, kept the dock launch.

Local bar. 

My mom and I made mini-bundt cakes. Cute, right? The recipe was delicious. It involved a lot of butter and rum.

So many meters to read.  

Crazy cloud over Madison.

Minnie, the Beagle dog. 

Halloween in Madison never lets me down. 

Fisher, the dog that wandered into my office.  We share an office building and he was visiting. 

One of these is my car. I, however, chose the wrong one to try my key on after some grocery shopping. 


Lisa said...

Ohhh you made me homesick for Madison! Especially the farmer's market photos!

It's been too long since I've been home. I think a trip is overdue!

Alyssa said...

I love the Kale flowers! Also "it involved a lot of butter and rum" is a great statement. yum.

SLS said...

@Alyssa- I agree butter and rum is an amazing combination. @Lisa- visit anytime. I'd be happy to share a pitcher with you at the Union!


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