
I Love to Hate Reality TV

...but I can't stop watching it.

Although I'm quite possibly the busiest I've ever been in grad school thus far, I've somehow found time to sit and relax. Maybe it's denial, maybe it's some weird planetary alignment, but by some miracle I can come home and unwind.

I occasionally bake, read a chapter or two of a book, but mostly these days I've found myself getting sucked deeper into the realm of television. I've always had a show or two I really enjoy watching, which most recently are Mad Men and Parenthood. I'd consider both well written and examples of quality programming. The problem I've encountered this year is that I've started watching reality TV. I blame the fact that I now have cable. 

Shows like Project Runway, The Bachelor(ette)* and (please don't judge too harshly) Jersey Shore aren't necessarily on my must-see list, but I enjoy watching them. After a long day of brain-stretching activity, sitting on the couch and turning off my mind to a completely mindless show is extremely relaxing. I'm not one to sit in front of the TV for hours on end and I don't feel guilty about the amount of TV I watch, but I know I could be doing something much more productive.

All that said however, I'd still much rather go on a hike and miss a show than stay at home sequestered in the house. For now, I'll settle with not feeling for giving my brain a much needed break. 

What are your favorite (but awful?) television shows?

*So the Bachelor(ette) may be on my must-see list. Guilty as charged. It's not as bad if I watch it with a large group of friends and it's more of a social thing, right? Right?!!


EKS said...

Teen Mom HELLO so addicting.

SLS said...

Agreed, such drama. Did you see they're starting a new round of 16 and Pregnant? Yeesh.


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