
Throwback Thursday: The Dog Named Pepsi

A while back, I blogged about Rusty, one of the family dogs I grew up with. As promised, I said I would blog about one of our other dogs, Pepsi.

Pepsi was my mom's dog from day one. My mother rescued the poor thing from an abusive owner, and even though I was nowhere near being born yet, I've heard stories of how Pepsi made herself right at home with my mom. It was an instant connection; Pepsi had no trouble curling up into my mom's heart (and subsequently onto the furniture). 

The situation got complicated as my dad entered the picture. Pepsi was a wee bit jealous. Eventually she found a way to cope with this other human in her life and let him marry my mom. Honestly, I think Pepsi resented my dad for making her share my mom's attention. Regardless of her stubborn, yet loving ways, Pepsi found a new friend when I came around.

Just like Rusty, Pepsi put up with my toddler-through-elementary school antics. Seriously, she probably earned her sainthood up in doggie-heaven. Secretly, I think she loved the attention.  

I dressed her up: 

How awesome is that little curly tail?!

...and squeezed her tight.

Once again, there's that "God save me" look.

As an only child, Pepsi (and Rusty) were often my play dates. Even if they spent most of the time sleeping. 

I was blessed with amazing pets as a youngin'.

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