
More Baseball

Clearly I love the sport.

I just finished The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach and I am DEVASTATED it is over. I wouldn't call it 100% a baseball novel, but the game is definitely central to the plot.


I want to read it all over again as if  I had never read it at all. Kind of how I feel about the now finished NBC show Friday Night Lights. I want to stay immersed in the wonderful plot and learn more about the characters.


Do you have a book you wish would have never ended?

Review to come folks. This book was just too good not to subject you all share my thoughts.


Alyssa said...

I'm glad you liked this! When I first read about the book, I told my Dad to read it, because he LOVES media about baseball (movies, books, etc). But the more I've heard about it, the more I want to read it, too. I'm on the hold list at the library, and I'll let you know what I think when I'm done!

SLS said...

Yeah! I had it on audiobook (helped me get through ND/MN/WI. The only drawback I have for it is that it starts a bit slow. Totally worth it once it gets going, though. Thanks for the comment, yo!


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