
Seriously, who could dislike this movie?

During my jaunt to Tar-gay today I made a small impulse buy, the 10th anniversary edition dvd of 10 Things I Hate About You. Two things: 10TH ANNIVERSARY (*%#! I feel old) and best.impulse.buy.ever!

I'm currently multi-tasking by watching it, researching for my lit review and catching up on my blog reading (and writing). First off, the casting is great- it's amazing to contrast the actors/actresses and their more-recent roles. Heath Ledger, R.I.P., as the arrogant Patrick compared to his role as The Joker in the Dark Knight?! Damn what a great actor. Joseph Gordon-Levitt in his role as the ambitious Cameron, and who is now one of the burgeoning stars of the alt-movie world...(500 Days of Summer is currently on my Netflix cue). As a sidenote, what ever happened to Andrew Keegan? I know I wasn't the only girl with a poster of him in my teenage-girl bedroom, so what's the deal?

Also love the fact it's a modern take on Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew.

Anyone else out there in blogger world love this movie as much as I do?!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Duh. I love it. SO MUCH. and, it's one of those movies (I guess because it's been around for 10 years now...) that I have a lot of good friend memories associated with.


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